
Starter code for the Duke project

Project maintained by sheexiong Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

User Guide


Duke is a Personal Assistant ChatBot to help for tracking various tasks.

Duke Ui


Adding a task

Delete tasks

Mark task as done

Find task

List tasks

Exit the program


todo - Add a new todo task

Adding a new todo task to the system.
Format: todo <TASK>

Example of usage:

todo tutorial 5

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:  
[T] [n] tutorial 5
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.

Duke Ui

event - Add a new event task

Adding a new event task with date and time to the system.
Format: event <TASK> /at dd/MM/yyyy HHmm

Example of usage:

event birthday party /at 24/02/2020 1800

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:  
[E] [n] birthday party (at: 24 Feb 2020 06:00PM)
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.

Duke Ui

deadline - Add a new deadline task

Adding a new deadline task with date and time to the system.
Format: deadline <TASK> /by dd/MM/yyyy HHmm

Example of usage:

deadline assignment /by 25/02/2020 2300

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:  
[D] [n] assignment (at: 25 Feb 2020 11:00PM)
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.

Duke Ui

delete - Delete a tasks or multiple tasks

Delete single or multiple tasks in the system based on index number.
Format: delete <NUM>...

Example of usage:

delete 3 1 2

Expected outcome:

Noted. I've removed these tasks:  
1[T] [n] task 3
2[T] [n] task 1
3[T] [n] task 2
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.

Duke Ui

done - Mark a task as done

Mark a specific task as done.
Format: done <NUM>

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done:  
[T] [y] task 4

Duke Ui

find - Find the tasks that match the keyword

Find the tasks that match the keyword given and return the list of matched tasks.
Format: find <KEYWORD>

Example of usage:

find tutorial

Expected outcome:

Here are the matching tasks in your list:  
1[T] [n] tutorial 5
2[D] [n] tutorial 2 (by: 20 Feb 2020 08:00PM)
3[E] [n] tutorial 3 (at: 20 Feb 2020 08:00PM)

Duke Ui

list - Show all of the tasks in the system

Display all tasks in the system.
Format: list

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

1[T] [y] task 4
2[T] [n] tutorial 5
3[D] [n] tutorial 2 (by: 20 Feb 2020 08:00PM)
4[E] [n] tutorial 3 (at: 20 Feb 2020 08:00PM)
5[T] [n] homework 2

Duke Ui

bye - Exit the program

Say goodbye to ChatBot. The program will close after 1 second.
Format: bye

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Bye!!! See you again :)

Duke Ui


Credit to Jeffry Lum for the fxml and java files for JAVAFX GUI - JavaFx TutorialPart 4
Credit to Software Engineering Education addressbook-level2 for code Organization - AddressBook (Level 2)
Credit to MintBerryCrunch for the solution to close GUI window - stackOverflow
Credit to Ernest Friedman-Hill for the solution to redirect console output to string in java - stackOverflow